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Lost Zippo

3 Posts
3 Users
SGT D.H. Cunningham
Posts: 8
Active Member
Topic starter

This is a big shot in the dark, but here goes.

I left country through Freedom hill August or September 1969.

I was showing some guys a zippo lighter that I had been engraving for the last 6 months while flying with VMO-2/HML163.

I put it back in the top of my seabag and went to the club in Danang.

When I look for it, it was gone. It has Combat air crew wings, My name D.H. Cunningham, a map of Viet Nam, etc.

If any body has possesion of it I would sure love to get it back.

Thank You All So Much........Doug

P.O. Box 9219
Marina Del Rey, CA. 90295

Posted : 2004-11-02 20:00
Posts: 22
Eminent Member

Lost Zippo

Hi Doug,
I could hardly believe your posting...no I don't have your Zippo, but the irony is, when I was with VMO-6, like so many of the guys, I too had a Zippo, and I had an engraving for each month there, which meant some of the engravings were very small and very short, but it was a treasured item.
When I rotated, I was in DaNang, at night, dark, was very cold, raining, and I was looking for someplace to get some chow, I had my hands deep in my pockets and had my lighter gripped in my hand, I fell into a hole filled with water, as I fell, my hands came out of my pockets, along with my lighter and it went sailing. I crawled around for the longest time, searching through the mud trying to find that lighter.
So, if someone found it, let me know.......ha ha. Some kid hopefully found it, 20 years later.....
Rick Ault

S/Sgt Rick Ault

VMO-6 '66-'68

HML-367 '69-'70

Posted : 2004-11-25 12:12
Posts: 0
New Member


Srange indeed!! Two of you looking for VMO-6 Zippo lighters, I recently found an old VMO-6 Zippo Lighter in my tool box that I had aquired In 1953 VMO-6 Korea at A-9 It is engraved VMO-6. Wasnt lost just forgotten for 51 years. Thanks for the memories!! Semper Fi PM

Posted : 2004-11-25 18:46