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Looking for Old/New Screw members

14 Posts
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Anyone on line that was in the Old "Screw" (HMH 462, specifically Okinawa 1976) or the New "Screw" (HMH 462, specifically Kuwait/2003)?

Hooper, 7564
1969-1981 🙂

Posted : 2005-07-31 14:38
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462- 1976

1973-1987 HMH-462 , Paul Moore SR Sikorsky Rep Okinawa.

Posted : 2005-07-31 18:03
James "Pru" Pruitt
Posts: 6
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I was a Member of the "Screw Crew" 73-76

I was in HMH-462. I went to the 2000 San Diego Reunion. I was surprised that 462 did not have a better showing. I was aboard ship in the Composite squadrons. Was TAD to HMM-164 and HMM-165. No body from HMH-462 in Okinawa wanted to go aboard ship. I cross decked 4 times and was on LPH's Tripoli, New Orleans, and 2 times on the Okinawa. HMH-462 did go on the LPH Okinawa to do the evacuations. I went to the 2000 San Diego reunion I did see some fellow HMH-462 members I remembered. Paul Moore Sikorsky Rep., Top Mrak Maint. Chief, and LtCol. Bartel Maint. Officer. Being TAD to a composite squadron aboard ship and cross decking LPH's I never really got to know anyone that well. I did end up in Okinawa with 462 for 2 or 3 months before I was discharged. I was on the HMH-462 bowling team that took second place in the "All Okinawa Marine Bowling Tournament". Our team put a big Trophy in HMH-462 Trophy Case. In 2000 I went down to HMH-462 hanger at Miramar. I looked in the Trophy Case to see if the Trophy made the trip from Okinawa and it did not. I did received a VERY BIG WELCOME from HMH-462. My count there were only 4 or 5 people wearing HMH-462 hats at the reunion. I do plan on attending the reunion in Ft. Worth. All you HMH-462 personnel are in for a good time in Ft. Worth because I grew up there and still know where to go.


Posted : 2005-08-28 14:13
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Jim I remember your Bowling Trophy while the unit was at Okinawa. I am looking forward to Fort Worth & a visit to TCU. Was three months at TCU April thru July 1944, as part of my NAP training. Sure was a pleasant 3 months surrounded by CO-Eds & flying half each day out of Meecham Field. At 81 dont figure Ill make many more trips so want to be sure & make this one. Semper Fi Paul Moore 🙂

Posted : 2005-08-29 20:53
James "Pru" Pruitt
Posts: 6
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TCU and other places in Ft. Worth

Hi Paul,
It will be my pleasure to drive you around Ft. Worth. Make out your list of places you want to see and we will go to them.

Semper Fi

Jim Pruitt

Posted : 2005-09-11 00:00
John Hodge
Posts: 17
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HMH-462 '69-'70 🙂

HMH-462 Members from ALL YEARS!!!

ALL, and I repeat, ALL HMH-462 rotor heads are hereby requested/ordered to show up in Ft. Worth 2006. Myself, and some other HMH-462 members met together in Reno in 2004 and had a great time. We plan on getting a "booth", T-Shirts and some other stuff together before the 2006 Reunion. Hopefully we can start 'building' a bigger and better representation of 462 each coming reunion from here on. It will require dedication, volunteering time, effort etc to accomplish our goals. We have only a few people willing to help out, thus far, but expect more to join/participate in the coming years! Please send your email addresses to me if you will be in Ft. Worth, or would like to see 462's representation grow. I will take the lead on this, for now, or co-lead if others wish to help out. I need ideas for T-shirts or "Polo-Shirts" plus help with a 462 Banner at the reunion etc. The ones that have verbally commited to this endeavour so far are myself, Tom and Phil, plus our wives.

John Nicholson (John Hodge, in RVN), SGT
303-936-4616 (Home)
720-363-9855 (Cell)

Semper Fi


Now is the time to stand fast in our faith and on our principles. . .

John [Hodge] Nicholson

Posted : 2005-09-12 00:37
Dave Reavis
Posts: 9
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462 crew 75' 76'

I was with the screw from 8-75 til 8-76 went aboard cruise on tripoly or oki not sure which, had a ball in p.i. Remember sigsbee, lurch like to here from old boys. Dave Reavis dimmer144@comcast.net

Dave Reavis @ dimmer144@msn.com

Posted : 2005-10-05 19:33
Posts: 3
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HMH-462 Vet trying to help get HMH-462 organized

My name is Tom "TP" Benton, member of HMH-462 1974-1975. Vet of Operations Eagle Pull and Frequent Wind. CH-53 Crew Chief with over 1100 hours flight time in 3 years. I would like to get in touch with 462 vets who plan on going to Washington for the 2008 re-union so we can figure out how to get organized.

I am also considering organizing an Eagle Pull & Frequent Wind Reunion.

All interested Vets Please contact me:
Tom Benton

I live in the Chicago area.

Posted : 2008-02-21 23:20
Posts: 160
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I've an entry for a X-C to Boston with a Reavis 14 Feb '74. I always thought his name was Tess. Think we even bowled together @MCAS New River...


Posted : 2008-03-21 00:45
Jim Freeman
Posts: 6
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I was in 462 07/75 thru 07/76. Was on the Okie first, then the Juneau, and Tripoli. I remember we had to off-load a bird at White Beach after the float, then fly from Futema everyday till we got it back up. Good chow at White Beach.
Dave Reavis, Lurch, Rat, Trinner and I ate a load of greasy tacos many nights at the club at Futema. hey, remember the Mojo at Cubi Point NAS?

Jim Freeman

Posted : 2008-03-24 14:08
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Jim Freeman...are you of the TX Freemans from HMH trip 7's or a veteran-trained HMH-204 person from MCAS New River, or both?


Posted : 2008-05-05 00:22
Jim Freeman
Posts: 6
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MARTD Dallas Tx

thomas.zuppke;21538 wrote: Jim Freeman...are you of the TX Freemans from HMH trip 7's or a veteran-trained HMH-204 person from MCAS New River, or both?


Hooper, I was assigned to NAS Dallas, HMH-777 when I returned from Okinawa, spent 3 1/2 years there before going back to Tustin.


Posted : 2008-05-13 22:15
Posts: 160
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I think I am in error. the trip-7 guys might have been "Furhman's.":)

Posted : 2008-05-15 00:25
Jim Freeman
Posts: 6
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Trip 7's

thomas.zuppke;21578 wrote: I think I am in error. the trip-7 guys might have been "Furhman's.":)

You're right on, the Fuhrman's were our set of brother pilots from Muenster TX.


Posted : 2008-05-16 10:20