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Looking for MIA inf...
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Looking for MIA information

4 Posts
4 Users
Wayne Karlin
Posts: 2
New Member
Topic starter

A friend, Mike Archer, who served at Khe Sanh during the siege, is looking for information about the remains of his friend L/CplThomas Mahoney, Bravo Co. 1/1 KIA on 6 July 1968 at Hill 881S.(Coordinates 48Q XD 773 441) Bravo company was involved in the evacuation of the Marine positions in that area. Mahoney had gone outside the perimeter and was killed by a PAVN sniper/recon team, which put his body in front of their position in order to draw more Americans into an ambush. In the ensuing fight, Mahoney's body was lost. Archer has gotten information from reports of the US-MIA teams in country about who was in the PAVN unit, but has been unable to find any of them. In the meantime, he sent the following message. "A rumor that circulated around B/1/1 HQ in early August 1968, that a Marine recon team deployed to the spot of Mahoney's death about a week later and recovered some remains from a shallow grave. The supposition is that these "remains" (if, in fact, the story is true) were never identified as Tom's, and perhaps misplaced or misidentified by an undetermined Graves Registration detachment. The account of this "recovery" is not documented in any unit record that I have been able to locate. The only record of it is a statement I obtained from Tom's company CO who recalled the battalion S-1 officer mentioning it to him in passing. The S-1 officer is now deceased. I am writing the USMC Historical Branch today to see if they can provide any chopper flight records (I don't even know the squadron) or a recon after-action report (don't know unit) or Graves Registration (don't know unit) records that might exist about this action."
If any Popasmoke members have any information or memory of this, please contact me. Wayne Karlin

Posted : 2007-07-26 00:02
Posts: 90
Trusted Member


Have you tried JPAC:


They have a lot of information in their databases. They have been helpful to us (www.hmm-262vietnam.com), once you find the right person. One of the guys we knew is retired, otherwise I would put you in contact with him. They are a busy group, but if you are persistant they might help you out.

Posted : 2007-08-02 19:16
Posts: 3
New Member

MIA information

Because I have a brother still MIA in Vietnam, I have tons of information on that subject. If you go to WWW.dtic.mil/dpmo you be able to look up anyone who is still MIA from the Vietnam era.

1. On the left of the page...click on Links.
2. Go to Archives.
3. Click on Vietnam Era Prisoner-of-War/Missing in Action Database.
4. On the right side of page...under Contents...click on...
Search POW/MIA database
5. In the box...enter the name you are researching.

You can get update info on the POW/MIA's by going to:
The National League of Families will forward a letter of inquiry to a family member if you ever want to get information on someone from their Primary Next of Kin. I am the PNOK for my missing brother and I get mail all the time wanting to know about his status.

Sometimes, if you GOOGLE a name, you can get info that way, too.

Good luck,

Proud sister of a Marine,

Mary Benton

Posted : 2009-10-27 02:58
Posts: 0
New Member

Mac is here, it's a really funny, one day me and my friend watching the horror movie they said me before we begin movie that he never affraid from the ghost scene and made a bet with me, when horror
music come to start then he seat shouty and as soon as ghost put entry, he bady lefy away from the place. so much laugh i had.

Nice fun we had between.

Posted : 2010-02-15 07:31