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looking for friends.........

2 Posts
1 Users
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New Member

of Marcia Smith....she was a member of this board. I need to contact someone ASAP. I know that one of her friends names was Crispy? I am unsure of her sign in name her but i know her IM name was Magnolia. Please contact me at pebblypooh@msn.com. Sincerely Missy (her daughter)

Posted : 2003-09-01 22:03
Posts: 0
New Member

K i checked it has been a while since she has posted..she posted under the name martian. She is still a member according to the member board. I know she went to the reunion in was it Ca or Fl (my memory isn't working so great right now) not so very long ago. I just know that she talked about this board all the time and the friends she made here. And i need to try to get ahold of them if possible it is VERY important!!!!!!! Sincerely Melissa

Posted : 2003-09-01 23:20