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John Joseph Mondry ...
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John Joseph Mondry Jr.

1 Posts
1 Users
John D Mondry
Posts: 1
New Member
Topic starter

I am the son of JJM. He died when I was 15 in 1985. Tom Constantine was kind enough to post an Obit. I was trying to find out more about my father, what he did in vietnam (i know he flew medivac), and what he did to receive the 5 DFC's. If anyone knew him there, flew with him or was in his squadron and performed the same tasks, I would like appreciate anything you could tell me.

My father was very quiet about the service during the time I knew him. He is someone I always use to compare my actions to, and hope I would meet his approval.


John D. Mondry (age 36).

Posted : 2007-08-13 17:05