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How's the best way to file for VA medical and tests

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I've been told way to many times now to file for my VA medical and set up tests. Well after 42 years I guess I need to do so. Is the best way to go on line and fill out the form, or go to theVA and get help to fill out the form(s)?
Probably will get on a waiting list for a couple of more years (right?)

I was told to file first, request agent orange test, hearing, PDS or PTS someting like that...

Any sugestings from your experence is greatly appreciacted.

T. C. "Top Cat" Moyer

Posted : 2008-09-23 23:10
Posts: 4415
Famed Member

Tom go to your local VetCenter, they'll get you started. Then set up an appointment with your state Veterans Service Officer.

Posted : 2008-09-24 08:01
Posts: 0
New Member

VA reps

I have been using the County VA rep and so far they have been very helpful. The VA themselves can be very confusing to me, even when I was told they had recieved my death notice and in the same letter set my next appointment. So, yeah, it does take time and you have to be persistant and don't take no for an answer, seem to sometimes take about 3 tries for some of the claims.

Posted : 2008-09-24 10:22
Carl L. Rice
Posts: 40
Eminent Member

Best Way to File Claim

T.C. I simply filled out the claim form pulled down from the V.A. on the internet,I then went to eligibility and that took about 45 minutes, I had with me my birth certificate, dd214,and my discharge. They got my records from St. Louis and set me up for a medical exam, when the claim Doctor examined me he sent his report to the regional office, I was awarded 40% for Diabetes Type 2 and 20% for Peripheral Neuropathy of lower right extremity, and 20% for Peripheral Neouropathy of the lower left extremity which came to a total of 60% and I could not work any more because of the uncontrolled Diebetes
and another problem with the thyroid, they sent me an application for retraining or training in a different field, when I was through with my app-ointment with this department they found that because of my age and disabilities that retraining would not work for me so they found me to be 100%
individual unemployability, and within a very few months I was drawing over $2100.00 a month that was in 2003 I now draw $2527.00 per month plus my Social Security and when I am 65 years old in a few years I will file for my vested pension,The V.A is very easy to work with once you get past the Idiots, some of, or actually about 80% of them could not hold a job in the work force.They handle 100% of my medical and all my prescriptions.You should educate yourself about what you have coming to you, remember you earned this many years ago,and don't listen to some young willy head when he says no because he probably does not know what he is talking about.I am sure you will find your way around,but your first stop should be eligibility, My brother-in-law went through one of the service organizations and he was almost two years just to get set up for a claim Doctor, I believe it is better to go on your own.Read the V.A manual about your benefits and also pull cfr38 on your pc and spend a few hours and find out how they come to their decisions and also read about the appealed decisions, there you will find your way.I believe the service organizations cause as much or more delay than the V.A.at any rate good luck to you.Semper Fi

Posted : 2008-09-25 00:13
Posts: 160
Estimable Member

Filing for VA claims

You'll have to go to a "provider" doc and during his examine w/you, tell him of the maladies you percieve. HE (or SHE) can recommend you to the VAMC in your district.

Meanwhile, find a VA advocate, and fill out the form for same...this is gonna take a while, but eventually the paperwork will cross paths...such as tintinitus, loss of hearing, service related injuries, etc...my experience with the VA is that the process requires their doctors to acknowledge the "problem" and then you get sent to an outside source for a second opinion...all takes many months, per.

Since I went thru this process, I've been told that in some states, the duration of claim and award is different in many states. GOOD LUCK !

Posted : 2009-06-06 00:50