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I have an older Marine in class that was in HMX in the early 60's. His name is William Winn. I was showing him some of the stuff here at the Popasmoke site and I was wondering if anyone remembers him. It would surely brighten up his day if that was the case.

Posted : 2010-08-25 12:23
Posts: 18
Active Member

Don't know if they were there at the same time but, does he remember a pilot named Don Foss? If so, I can try to put him in touch with Don.




Posted : 2010-08-25 16:06
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Are we talking about Bill "PIG PEN" Winn?


Posted : 2010-08-25 22:11
Posts: 4598
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Rings a Bell

But he said early 60's Al. I left Quantico 2Apl68 and you had just gotten there, right? But then again I think someone qualified for that term "pigpen" at every duty station I passed through;)

Posted : 2010-08-26 08:00
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I got to HMX in Nov 67. I shared a cubicle with Bill Winn, Bill Goldston, and Wizzy Wissmar. Could be that Larry was refering to the late sixties.

Al Rose

Posted : 2010-08-26 09:31
Posts: 1030
Noble Member

I was with HMX from May 1960 to Nov 1965 , I remember we had someone called pigpen but I don't rememer the last name. What was Winn's MOS and who did he work for. SF

Posted : 2010-08-26 09:33
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The Bill Winn I knew worked in the cage. I believe he spent his entire enlistment in HMX, 64/68.

Al Rose

Posted : 2010-08-26 09:46
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Pig Pen Winn

Yep, this is him, says he remembers all you guys and is looking forward to maybe contacting some. I'll hook him up before he leaves.

Posted : 2010-08-26 10:59
Posts: 22
Eminent Member

PIGPEN was Ron Pigpen Penninger and served two tours in the cage. He lived locally in Quantico and recently passed away. I remember Bill Winn and had asked Al Rose what happened to him. That was one heck of a crew with Bill Goldston, Wismier, Bandish, Winn, Culgrove, Maynard, Chastain, Williams Palmer, Bookhart, Penn, and a lot more folks. One of the best times I ever served. Bill McMillian

Posted : 2010-08-26 11:37
Posts: 4598
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Hey Larry, If he was there with me then he's just a young whippersnapper;)
I need to see guys pictures cause I am really bad with names. I was a rag for "Tex" Helton, hung out with Lester Nunn, Rudy Isovitch, Gary "Lurch" Lynch, Wagner and here's a photo of me and my raggie, Russ Francis just as I shipped out Apl68

Attached files

Posted : 2010-08-26 17:14
Posts: 1030
Noble Member

I was one of the orginal crew chiefs on the VH3A #5 !50614 ,it is still flying at Pax River testing transmissons for the new VH's. I knew Colgrove as he was in 262 , in 1970 I went back to HMX and Colgrove was there then. I was the QA chief on the greenside for a month or so then took over maint control until Sept 72 when I was transfered to New River to Mag 29. The other crew chiefs where Jerry Hillard #4 150612. Bobby Harding #3 150610 and Sgt Long #6 150616 later Lloyd Karr took over Long,s bird as he got out and went with Air America. One of the pilots from 262 65 to 67 Col Paul Johnston was CO of HMX when Regan was president.SF

Posted : 2010-08-26 19:05
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Pig Pen

Well, Bob finished class today and I gave him a copy of these posts and told him how to get around the site a little and hopefully he will be able to contact some of you. He was really happy to hear some of your names.

Posted : 2010-08-27 10:43
Posts: 4598
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Never too old to learn

Hey Larry, What kind of Class? What can you teach us "older Marines"?:rolleyes:

Posted : 2010-08-27 17:38
Posts: 3132
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What you don't remember could fit into a thimble! Unbelievable!
this stuff come straight out of his head folks..it AIN't written down!!

Posted : 2010-08-28 09:39
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American Well Control & Safety LLC

This is the name of my company, yes we teach the people what to do on the drilling rigs to keep the crap that happened in the Gulf from happening. Those guys shoulda come see me first. To answer you question, yes I could teach you but you have to be able to remember also. HaHaHa! Happens to me too.

Posted : 2010-08-30 16:12