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HMR/HMM-161 history
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HMR/HMM-161 history

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I got this email from Capt. Hoover:

161 History
Monday, September 20, 2010 9:09 AM
From: "David Hoover"
To: hma1369@yahoo.com

I am a Captain with VMM-161 (formerly HMM-161, HMR(L)-161, HMR-161) at MCAS Miramar in San Diego. I have been with the squadron for close to five years, originally flying the CH-46 before transitioning to the MV-22. Over the last couple years, I have become the squadron's ad hoc historian, due mostly to the fact that I am fascinated with the squadron's past. Our squadron will celebrate it's 60th birthday next January 15th, and I am trying to put together something to commemorate the squadron's illustrious past. I have compiled quite a few photographs (even some old video) of the squadron but am always looking for more. I would like to exchange photos and/or information about the squadron's early days in Korea, SoCal, and Hawaii. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you for your time.

-Captain David Hoover
VMM-161 Director of Safety and Standardization
MCAS Miramar, San Diego, CA

If you have any photos, videos, info, etc. please contact Capt. Hoover.

Posted : 2010-09-21 13:02
Posts: 0
New Member

1951 lta, hmr-161

Capt my memory was of the formation of HMR 161, (H19 Helicopters) 1951 & their departure VIA rail from the rear of the #1 Blimp Hangar at than LTA Santa Ana, (later MCAF) They went to San Diego than shipped out to Korea as the first Marine Transport Sqd in combat. Back than I knew most of the Marines from our Helicopter indoctrination at HMX-1. It was than an Expieremental Sqd not the Presidential Sqd. LtCol Keith B. McCutheon was the CO (Later 4 Star Gen) Also Capt Armstrong later MGen . I was Asst Maintenance Chief in VMO-2 as it also formed at LTA. I later was Line Chief in VMO-6 in Korea (First Helicopter Sqd in combat the old HO3S) , Later the HTL3 & than the HO5S Helicopter. Would surely enjoy any Photos etc you have of those early Marines !! Gy previous Msgt E 7 Paul Moore

Posted : 2010-09-21 17:23
Posts: 0
New Member

Capt. I joined HMR161 in early 1953 at Ascom City the rear area where we did all our heavy maintenance. Later went forward to Munsan-ne to be a crew chief. There are pictures of both areas in the Korea picture area of pop a smoke. Not to many 161 Korea people around any more. Jack Ubel

Posted : 2010-09-22 13:31