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Grunt kicked out of...
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Grunt kicked out of chopper

1 Posts
1 Users
Gary Keith
Posts: 1
New Member
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On March 27th 1966, I was a grunt on a Battalion Landing Team. "Operation Jackstay", in the Mekong Delta, utilized the
CV-37 LPH-U.S.S. Princeton, as part of the Operation. In the late afternoon we were evacuated by Helicopter and dropped into another LZ some miles away. When the choppers came in to pick us up, my platoon was only 2-4 miles from the sea in a rubber plantation. The choppers came in while we were still receiving some harassing small arms fire. I ran and jumped on the 5 or 6th
chopper and it could not liftoff, (I weighed a whopping165*), anyway, the gunner looked at me and told me to get out. I replied "No". He told me a second time and I did not budge, thats when he put his boot in my chest and kicked me out. I fell back to the ground and watched in Horror as the chopper lifted away. I thought I was the only man left on the ground. within the next 5 minutes I found 3 other Marines and we formed a Final Defense perimeter about 15 Yards in diameter. Nobody had a radio and the choppers were all gone. We waited as dark began to set in.
After about 45 minutes we heard the sweet sound of the rotors.
I had the only smoke in the bunch and tossed it out to signal the pilot. He swooped in and picked us up.Doees anyone want to own up to kicking me out and I'd like to know who came back and got us. I know you all would have done the same thing. We had gone through some serious combat the night before which was our 1st day in country and I thought I was a gonner for sure. Hardly a day goes by that I don't think about looking falling back watching the bottom of that chopper as it flew away. Granted I am grateful for getting out but I just thought I'd ask.
Gary Keith

Posted : 2004-08-03 01:48