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From Lisa Ballard ballard.family@comcast.net

Dear Sirs,

I recently read in my local city newspaper of a man who returned to Vietnam to the area of Hill 362. His name is Gary Campbell, and he says, "There was one experience that gave me chills..." Gary was there with a group of fellow veterans and had this experience "There was an old guy who came running up to us and he handed me a dog tag. I was the only one in the group who is LDS. I read the tag and I read the religion and it said LDS and chills came down my back."

He is trying to find the relatives of the dog tag's owner, to return it to them.

Gary Campbell received the dog tag at Long Phu village, near the former US Chu Lai Airbase. The inscription on the tag reads:

Miller, J.R.
2131687 A

Please contact Gary at 801-259-9817

If there is any way for you to post this information, or include it in a newsletter to members of your association to help find this family. Thank you so much.

Posted : 2008-05-30 13:46