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From Popasmoke Email

1 Posts
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Posts: 550
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Can anyone help this young man?

Phil Ernst

I almost feel guilty asking you gentleman for anything, and I feel greatly indebted for the service you have given to your country. I am a 23 year old recent college graduate who is currently working for Lockheed Martin on military helicopter projects, and I have become extremely interested in flying for our country myself. I come from a family of decorated veterans and the military has always been on my mind, but I was wondering if any of your members are around the Binghamton, NY area where I am currently working. I would love to meet with any of your members to discuss becoming a USMC helicopter pilot myself if any member is in the area. If you could get back to me with a response I would greatly appreciate it, but if not I just want to say thank you, with all sincerity for your service to all of us. I don't think a lot of people understand the sacrifice and dedication the members of our armed services put forth in securing our freedom.

I hope to hear from you,
Phil Ernst

Posted : 2007-08-10 23:44