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From an email to the MARCAD website: Can someone Please help?

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Can someone please help?

To marcad.44.1965@gmail.com
date Sun, Jun 22, 2008 at 12:19 AM
subject Fw: REF-Capt.Brooke Shadburne, usmc-vmo 6 Viet Nam

hide details 12:19 AM (14 minutes ago)


Can you give me any contacts for Brooke Shadburne, usmc vmo-6
People that knew him in Viet Nam etc.
Gordon Shadburne-
Ps this letter will explain-
----- Original Message -----
To: chacha41@sbcglobal.net ; GCURTIS@POPASMOKE.COM ; troneal68@yahoo.com ; fig1@optonline.net ; zarling@terracom.net ; dalank@earthlink.net ; mlowery004@hotmail.com
Sent: Sunday, June 22, 2008 12:05 AM
Subject: REF-Capt.Brooke Shadburne, usmc-vmo 6 Viet Nam

I am the brother of Capt. Brooke Shadburne- usmc -vmo 6 Killed in Viet Nam-
As I write to you his death still hurts like it did when I was told -I was a Pol.Sci student in Plano,TX- (his Wife, and three kids- Hunter, Zane, and Cristina like in TX now in the Austin area.

If you have any info. about Brooke, and his last year their- any photos, and remembering -his comments, thoughts etc. please let me know!!
In his last letter he wrote me our mom - he suggested using a W.W.II battleship so less American lives could be lost--I took that letter and sent it out Sen.John Tower TX put in congressional record---the end result was the recommission of the USS New Jersey - so hope fully his life Did save lives-though not on that night he was killed-
Again Please send any pics, contacts I could follow up - , and any think he might have said-
God Bless
Thanks for Your Service to our country
Gordon Shadburne
ptsail449@msn.com or warrior@wfconline.org

see www.wfconline.org

Posted : 2008-06-22 03:36