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downed Helichopter rescue on June 5, 1968

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I served on the USS Point Defiance LSD 31. I was sent to a downed Helichopter rescue on June 5, 1968 around the mouth of the Que Viet River. I can not find anything about this except in my ships log. All day, that day these helichopters USMC ( Ships Logs list USMC, might be Navy) YL 21,23,32,7 and 10 landed on flight deck from USS Princeton. I have thought of the crew for many years, but my search has been in vain. Would you happen to remember this?

Any help appreciated
Mike Blake


George T. Curtis (RIP. 9/17/2005)

Posted : 2004-01-07 22:30
Posts: 0
New Member

The aircraft was most probably UH-34D, 150256 with HMM-362 which was damaged on that date. It was recovered to FAWPRA Atsugi, where it was struck off charge on the 4th of July 1968.

Posted : 2004-02-12 15:55