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Don't Let 'em Fade Project

1 Posts
1 Users
Stephen Millett
Posts: 1
New Member
Topic starter

Good afternoon. I am an undergraduate at Pacific University in Forest Grove, OR and have put together a blog to coincide with our Don't Let 'em Fade Project. This blog allows anyone with an interest in the Vietnam War to check out the project, make posts, or discuss any issues they wish about the Vietnam War. The only thing we've asked is that those wanting to post register first.
The link:
As an older student returning to school after a long time away ,and as the son of a Vietnam War Veteran I have taken on the task of the creation of this blog with much interest and hope that you find our Don't Let 'em Fade project and/or blog useful.

Stephen Millett

Posted : 2006-02-08 17:57