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1 Posts
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Animations (movies) on the Web

If anyone has any movies that they wish to post on the net for others to see from our in country time that have been converted to avi or the new wma formats and 2mb (guideline only +/-) or smaller, I can post them on my site for viewing.

The content can be other A/C that we as Marines may be interested in as the one mentioned below.

I have one posted now for a fellow Marine from Popasmoke. Be patient, if you have dialup service, it is 2.4 mb, but worth the wait to see the new A/C the F-35B.

A/C the F-35B

Other pictures are located on Popasmoke at:

Popasmoke NOTAM Thread Real Transformation, Right Now

Posted : 2003-06-15 22:11