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Did you know John Sacharko?

1 Posts
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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: John Denehy
Date: Nov 13, 2006 11:08 PM
Subject: Gunnery Sgt. John Sacharko
To: webmaster@popasmoke.com


I am the founder and curator of a military museum which is located
in the Bristol, CT National Guard Armory. We recently received a
donation of a green uniform of a Marine Corps gunnery sergeant who
served with distinction during the Vietnam War. The man's name was
John Sacharko, and the uniform was donated by his nephew who knows
almost nothing about his late uncle's Marine Corps service. There
appears to be no other family members. Sgt. Sacharko was from
California and had enough active years to retire from the Corps. His
wings show that he was a helicopter combat crewman and that he was
awarded the Purple Heart along with Air Medals and numerous other
awards relating to the Vietnam war. We have the uniform on display
and it makes a nice display indeed. I would like to know more about
this marine such as what squadron was he attached to and in what year
(s) did he serve in Vietnam. If anyone in your organization
remembers John Sacharko, I would be very grateful if they would
contact me.

Thank you,

John Denehy
Sgt. USMC 1953-56

Posted : 2006-11-14 07:35