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CH-53 Projects
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CH-53 Projects

7 Posts
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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mike Wilson

Hello Popasmoke,
My name is Mike Wilson. My dad was a career aviation Marine and while I could not follow in his footsteps, I am a freelance aviation photojournalist specializing in Navy and Marine aviation history; I was told my eyesight wasn't up to standard.
The purpose of my note is two-fold. I am in the midst of two CH-53 book projects. The first is an 80 CH-53E monograph for Squadron Signal Publications and the second is a more detailed CH-53 developmental and operational history with respect to the development of the Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU). I argue the MEU wouldn't be as effective without the heavy lift capabilities of the Sea Stallion.
Therefore, I would like to hear from all Marines who worked on and flew the Sea Stallion, Super Stallion in flight testing and operationally. Moreover, I am in need of high resolution images of the CH-53 in both Vietnam and post-Vietnam operations.
At the moment, I am looking for images of the CH-53 in Operations Provide Comfort and Sea Angel.

Mike Wilson
Great Mills, MD

Posted : 2009-08-04 08:41
Posts: 160
Estimable Member

CH53 Ops

Do you have an e-mail addy...I got pictures...
Hooper (1969-1981)

Posted : 2009-08-05 15:02
Posts: 587
Admin Active Members

thomas.zuppke;23657 wrote: Do you have an e-mail addy...I got pictures...
Hooper (1969-1981)


Posted : 2009-08-05 20:06
Posts: 160
Estimable Member

CH 53 "shtuff"

When I got my NATOPS HAC approved in HI...my first mission was to haul a 155 howitzer to the target island of Kaalowe. The weather was crap, and when I tried to cnx the mission...I was told to file IFR and go...my divert A/P would be Maui. So I did.
Flying the IFR airways with a fifteen thousand pound (external) just sort of seemed hard to keep in mind...shooting the instrument approach to Maui was even tougher to keep in mind...
Having done so sucessfully, I was shown impact places short of the runway approach where others had not.

Posted : 2009-08-06 00:41
Posts: 3
New Member

CH-53 projects

Hello everyone,
I apologize for the delay in responding. My email address is: mike-wilson@verizon.net

Posted : 2010-01-12 19:14
Posts: 3
New Member

CH-53 history book

This brief note is to follow-up my last regarding my CH-53 history book. The manuscript is due to the publisher 31 November 2011.
With that said, I am still interested in hearing from Marines who have worked on, flew the helicopter and are willing to share photos.

Mike Wilson
Great Mills, MD

Posted : 2010-11-14 07:36
Posts: 0
New Member

CH-53 History Book

Mike Wilson, bet the 53 men will enjoy the book. There are 15 or so days left, and hopefully you'll get a few more for it. Good luch. Semper Fi, and READY-APP.

Posted : 2010-11-14 18:20