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Best Duty Station; Old Theme reserected

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Best Duty Station
Previously I posted LTA (MCAF Santa Ana, still my favorite stateside Base)
First got to say when I look back over those years : Every Marine Base I was on was the best ! However to pick the top on those bases it would be Okinawa. After Pi, NAS, Jacksonville, Cherry Pt, Dallas Tx, than The Pacific, New Hebrides, Caroline Islands & finally Okinawa 1945. Why at the top of the list? It was a Total all out battle of our Corp, almost concurrent with Iwo Jima! That expierience in all its extreme death , distruction & gallant warriors will not be topped by any other ;it is seared in my mind! I was assigned there several times there after, training, support of Vietnam & finally 14 years in support of my beloved Corp. Again on training exercises such as yearly "Team Spirit Korea", "Frequent Winds" evacuation of Saigon, support of "Desert One" in the Gulf at Oman & many tragic Helicopter crashes , Korea, PI, Okinawa & in the Ocean returning from Japan. How many more Marine expieriences could anyone expect from one base in one lifetime ? ? Semper Fidelis Gy///Msgt Moore

Posted : 2009-05-20 19:19
Posts: 3133
Active Members

PM's Duty Stations

I am convinced Sir, that if there there ever was a duty station worth taking about that you have been there! Keep the stories coming, please! I loved the one about flying the railroad tracks in Texas!!

Posted : 2009-05-22 20:38
Posts: 160
Estimable Member

good duty stations (TAD)

While feeling like I got the kiss of death by USMC and being assigned MABS 26Motor Pool OIC, I learned there was an equipment inventory due and I was required to "hands on" all my assigned assets...for the life of me, I couldn't find two fire trucks, aviation type...
Found out they were @ Viegas, PI Target Island just off CUBA...Orders were cut, a once-a-month MARLOG was boarded, and I saw and touched my missing fire trucks...they were used mostly for scaring birds and animals off the runway, when the MARLOGS came in...
I was "forced" to stay there for a month, with two supply type CPTs in a single occupancy quansit hut, with SCUBA gear, and my own horse...the replacement person for the horse hadn't made it down yet...
Needless to say...I could try and tell this story @ the MCAS New River O'Club and people would just walk away...LOL...

Posted : 2009-06-06 00:39