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After Action Reports for HMM-161 Feb.'70

1 Posts
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Posts: 200
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OK guys I need some help. What happened to the After Action Reports for HMM-161 for Feb.’70? Texas Tec has none listed.

The VA has asked me for written documentation for Feb. 5, 1970 mission which Lt. Marty Benson was critically wounded and later died from his wounds. I was on the chase bird that picked him up and flew him out to the Repose.

Also looking for an AAR from mid Feb.’70 for an emergency recon extract. I think it was 1st Recon. We picked up the ladder, 1st Recon’s CO a Lt. Col. if I remember right, and a couple other recon personnel. We reported on station and had to wait for the team to move up the side of the mountain for extraction. The 1st Recon personnel setup off the back of the ramp. When we went in for the extraction we received small arms fire. The Lt.Col. was hit in the head and I was hit in the right leg. We extracted the team out of the area. We field dressed the wounds which both were minor and I don’t think any reports of the wounds were made, because I remember our CO telling me he was putting me in for a purple heart and I told him not to because it was so minor.

If anyone has info or where I can find it, I would be grateful.

Semper Fi

Bruce “Howdy” Mayor HMM-161 ’69-‘70

Semper Fi

Bruce "Howdy" Mayor HMM-161 '69-'70

Posted : 2008-08-23 16:03