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21 year old warrant...
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21 year old warrant officer pilot?

77 Posts
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Re: 21 year old warrant officer pilot?

All true, Chuck.
One of my favorite left seat tales was after I returned to conus from RVN and got to fly left seat at LTA in a new "F" model in HMM-163 during a test hop. The HAC (Rocky Darger), was similar to Gunner Poe in many regards and after the mandatory checks and hovers asked if I wanted to "drive".... I had many hours in the left seat of our CH-46As, but hadn't flown the more powerful "F" model.....I grabbed the sticks, pushed a little rudder and cranked in power as I pointed the nose down, a "tad" too aggressively and got a face full of runway really FAST!! Rocky calmly said "I have it", and kept us from plowing the active runway....was chuckling over in the right seat......!! Chuckling! He asked when was the last time I'd actually flown (it was about 3 months prior) and what type A/C ( I admitted they were "A" models)....Still chuckling, he said you don't need to shove the nose down on these like you did "A"s to quickly gain airspeed....Like to try landing now? (as we had taken off and entered the pattern) I took the bird and "expertly" flew the landing pattern at Santa Ana...Ol' Rocky said hey "you're in a perfect landing configuration" the only problem was I was well short of the runway!! LOL!! HE HAD ME DOING 20-30- KNOT ROLL-ONS AS I FLEW FOR THE NEXT HOUR! What a guy!! I really miss driving them!!!

Posted : 2012-01-05 23:46
Posts: 0
New Member

Re: 21 year old warrant officer pilot?

Check out this webpage. They have a pretty large list of phonies and wannabe's. I worked with them many times while I was President. Most involved people claiming to be W.O. pilots.


Posted : 2012-01-08 12:43
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