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Marine Corp Chinook
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Marine Corp Chinook

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Greetings from New Zealand!

This is a pretty random question but I'm hoping you can help.

I have a mate over in Iraq at the moment who is managing the effort to digitally map Iraq for the US government. In a recent email he set me a challenge. I have pasted it below in its original form

"US Marines Chinook are my preferred option, lots of space and wind in your face. I’ll leave you with a mystery, see if you can find out what phrase is written in bold black letters under a US Marines Chinook."

Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated and I have a copy of the entire email bulletin so if you are interested in reading about his exploits let me know and I will email it to you.

Have a great day

Posted : 2008-07-15 20:13
Posts: 592
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Trick Question????

It appears to me mate that it's a trick question. The Marines don't have Chinooks, we have Sea Knights/Phrogs. Look in the Iraq photo section to see if you can find a Chinook with Marine markings!!!!

Posted : 2008-07-15 21:10
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Good to know thanks mate.

Could he have got it wrong in the sense that it wasn't a USMC Chinook but the ones he rode in had the bold black writing on the bottom? Are US military units allowed to paint phrases in bold black letters on the underside of their Chinooks?

I have attached the actual document he sent me to see if that helps but the picture of the Chinook doesn't appear to have any writing on it.


Larry Zok;21933 wrote: It appears to me mate that it's a trick question. The Marines don't have Chinooks, we have Sea Knights/Phrogs. Look in the Iraq photo section to see if you can find a Chinook with Marine markings!!!!

I just popped into the Iraqi Freedom gallery and found 2 pictures of what I assume are Marine Chinooks one is Photo #11182 and the other is Photo #10291

I'm a little confused

Attached files

image_3192.pdf (357.4 KB) 

Posted : 2008-07-15 21:40
Posts: 592
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OK, a few hints here. The Chinook and the Phrog are both Boening Vertol products. The Chinook has 2 nose wheels and the engines mounted externally and are much larger than the Phrog. The Marines only have Phrogs, the Army has Chinooks. So when you refer to Marine Phrogs as Chinooks -we get confused. I have no idea what is painted on the bottom of one.

Posted : 2008-07-15 22:56
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Ok...Ive got it...

Macsta;21934 wrote: Good to know thanks mate.

Could he have got it wrong in the sense that it wasn't a USMC Chinook but the ones he rode in had the bold black writing on the bottom? Are US military units allowed to paint phrases in bold black letters on the underside of their Chinooks?

I have attached the actual document he sent me to see if that helps but the picture of the Chinook doesn't appear to have any writing on it.


I just popped into the Iraqi Freedom gallery and found 2 pictures of what I assume are Marine Chinooks one is Photo #11182 and the other is Photo #10291

I'm a little confused

I see now! The Sea Knight could be confused with a Chinook for a non-aircraft type person with no previous exposure to either. I'm an ex-NZ Army boy so all I've seen first hand are Black Hawks and Vietnam era Iroquois (which we are still in service over here).

The original question still stands but replace the Chinook for a Sea Knight πŸ˜€


Posted : 2008-07-15 23:03
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Marine "Chinook"

Larry is correct, no such animal in our aircraft inventory. What you are seeing is indeed a CH-46 Sea Knight or "Phrog", a relative of the CH-47 Chinook, but not the same bird.:D Both were designed and built by Boeing Vertol, and from a bit of a distance one might be mistaken for the other by one not familiar with them.
Hope this helps. Have no idea what our Air Crews have thought to letter on the bottom side.....Bet it's not printable here....

Posted : 2008-07-15 23:15
Posts: 320
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"US Marines Chinook are my preferred option, lots of space and wind in your face. I’ll leave you with a mystery, see if you can find out what phrase is written in bold black letters under a US Marines Chinook."

Marines fly the CH-46E "Sea Knight"; the Army flies CH-47 "Chinooks". The phrase underneath the fuselage is "MARINES".

Posted : 2008-07-15 23:41
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Thanks for all your help πŸ™‚

Thanks for all your help so far Larry and Joe! It has been a very swift learning curve so far and I'm sorry for the confusion. I have been looking around online and can see the differences when I compare the two side by side.

I agree Joe, It probably isn't repeatable hahaha!

If anyone has any ideas though, they would be much appreciated. It would be nice to prove he isn't as smart as he thinks he is and although mistaking a Chinook for a Phrog is a great start!

It would be brilliant if I could find out why he is being so smug πŸ˜€

Posted : 2008-07-15 23:49
Posts: 592
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OK, I just found out the Foxes are in Iraq, so the writing on the bottom of the bird probably reads "Give A Sh*t"

Shoot that back at him.

Posted : 2008-07-16 14:25
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Larry Zok;21942 wrote: OK, I just found out the Foxes are in Iraq, so the writing on the bottom of the bird probably reads "Give A Sh*t"

Shoot that back at him.

Thanks for your help Larry! I have emailed him and I will let you know if we got it right.

That should quieten him down some hehehe

Posted : 2008-07-16 18:13
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πŸ˜‰ So everyone has something to say !! All sounds good to me,cuz I know
people here in USA that don't know any better. Then take this too! Some have been in the Service also,so I'm not surprize that any one could mistake
CH47 with the CH46es , see I just made it come true ! 2 numbers even make it sound like the same or close to the same 46 ,47. Both like has been said "Built by Boeing for differ missions in mind. Marines (Air,Land and Sea)
Army was for troop and resupply on Land . Just some of my 2cents!! JJ

Posted : 2008-07-16 23:04
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We Have a winner!

Larry got it! thanks very much for your help. He couldn't understand how I found out what it said and was even less impressed when I laughed him for calling them Chinooks instead of Phrogs and with my newfound knowledge proceed to explain to him why he was wrong

He wanted to know where I had gotten the information so I told him I had to give all the credit to a few USMC guardian angels who had helped me out. πŸ˜‰

Thanks guys!

Hats off and full credit to the United States Marine Corps, you guys do a great job and always with a sense of honor, respect and pride


Posted : 2008-07-17 23:21
Posts: 3133
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Give a Sh!t

With the Purple Foxes of HMM-364, some things are a given and expected of them! They are a good outfit!

Posted : 2008-07-18 10:11
Posts: 592
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All credit goes to Stephanie Hanson, author of "A Corpsmans Legacy", who sent me a heads up about the Foxes being back in the sandbox. You might want to check out her book. Her dad was KIA in a Purple Fox bird on a medevac before she was born and it's her search for answers. Good read.

Posted : 2008-07-18 14:41
Posts: 14
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A Photo Speaks a Thousand Words

The SgtMaj of the Foxes asked me to post this picture for him, so all could see. πŸ™‚

Attached files

Posted : 2008-07-19 11:56
Posts: 3133
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Roll on Foxes!!

Keep on bein' Foxes!! I loved the slogan in RVN and even more today! Go Foxes!!
Thanks Stephanie!!:D

Posted : 2008-07-19 18:15
Allan Holmes
Posts: 29
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Being a proud 'Give a Shit' and HMM-364 Marine, we flew 34's in the RVN in 1966.

I still prefer the 46's.

Posted : 2008-07-20 13:32
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Rock on!

CorpsmanKid;21959 wrote: The SgtMaj of the Foxes asked me to post this picture for him, so all could see. πŸ™‚

That is awesome! I love the guy giving the rocker sign out the window!

I was a medic in the NZ Army for 6 years and although New Zealand didn't have much to do with desert storm I was kept busy with a trip to Bosnia in 93-94.

I'm going to have to pick up a copy of that book....it looks right up my alley and I hope it writing it has found you some of the answers you were looking for.

Thanks Stephanie πŸ™‚

Posted : 2008-07-20 20:13
Posts: 2
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Since your mate says that he saw our motto in black, he was looking at the skipper's aircraft - modex 00, buno 154853. The old girl just logged 12000 hours not too long ago....

Posted : 2008-07-22 14:44
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Foghorn;21976 wrote: Since your mate says that he saw our motto in black, he was looking at the skipper's aircraft - modex 00, buno 154853. The old girl just logged 12000 hours not too long ago....

Thanks for the additional info Foghorn, I love being able to drop this kind of stuff on him hahaha!

I have attached a picture he sent me this morning. The funniest bit is he isn't an operative and has never had military training. He is there as a computer geek in charge of mapping the terrain and has been given a weapon...scary stuff πŸ™

Attached files

Posted : 2008-07-22 17:36
Posts: 3133
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Take a look at the photo again. Looks like # 13 to me. Maybe ALL of the YK a/c have it in black these days?

Posted : 2008-07-23 07:10
Posts: 2
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The aircraft in the photo is modex 13 (buno 157670) - the lettering is in dark gray (subdued) per applicable NAVAIR directives.

Each squadron is allowed one "in-color" aircraft, where the modex, squadron logos and other U.S. markings can be in color vice subdued in dark gray. Being that the original question referenced an aircraft with the lettering in black, he must have seen the skipper's plane and not the one in the photo.

Posted : 2008-07-24 09:03
Posts: 3
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CorpsmanKid;21959 wrote: The SgtMaj of the Foxes asked me to post this picture for him, so all could see. πŸ™‚

HMM161 CC here, what is behind the nose gear? Looks like a panel that has an antenna on it.

Cool Pic, I flew with the foxes in 1997-8

The HMM161 hell hole pic I remember had a fat elvis on it, AC14..sorry no buno 5512?

Semper Gumby!

Posted : 2009-06-02 16:19
Posts: 160
Estimable Member

USMC Chinook?

The picture in the responses was a US Army "Sh**hook."
The uniform has got to be US Army...
Maybe your "mate" just wished he was a US Marine...

Posted : 2009-06-05 23:49
Posts: 420
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purple shaft command

beneath the spanding rotor blades a helicopter stands. two under powered engines,six blades like rubber bands. oh how i hate boeing vertol ,devinci 's on my list, if they 'd have kept their big mouths shut, this mess i might 've missed.now you don't need a parachute ,you don't need a brain, in fact to fly these monsters it helps to be insane.but i am young and i am strong and well in demand,cause i'm a helicopter mech in the purple shaft command!!! sorry don,t remember the name of the tune it was sung to!:) semper fi to the purple foxes.several of their members tought me alot,besides their songs.

non illigitimus carborundum:)MAF gripe ... deadbugs on windshield...action taken...R&R with live bugs!

Posted : 2009-08-04 14:24