The following message, received via the POPASMOKE website
Mark Johnson
I was at two of your reunions in Pensacola Beach as a vendor.( I was the man with all the bumper stickers). it was an honor and lots fun for me to be there.
The reason I am sending you this is to advise you of a link of possible interest to your members. These are some photos of a fire fighting effort in Washington State reciently and there are several good photos of H-34s still flying out there. I did not realize any were still flying after all these years!
Some of your members may be interested in these pics.;jsessionid=qga1p0pkk1.zebra_s?n=0&z=2&c=4&x=1&m=24&w=0&p=0
Best Regards,
Mark Johnson
AKA Xin Loi, of Xin Loi Productions