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CH-46E HMX-1, a ph...
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CH-46E HMX-1, a photo from the NIGHTHAWKS

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HMX-1 uses six CH-46Es

Here is an HMX-1 photo the Nighthawks would like to share with us


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George T. Curtis (RIP. 9/17/2005)

Posted : 2003-08-02 11:56
orlando ingvold
Posts: 85
Trusted Member

It was probably provided by John Morgenstern(sp?), Frog factory rep. forever at Quantico, a good man, very proud of the -46.

Posted : 2003-08-03 02:14
Ernie Needham
Posts: 26
Eminent Member

Just came across this picture for the first time. When I reported to HMX-1 in September 1965, the squadron's H-46As didn't look at all like the picture we see here. They were just green side out. The H-46 maintenance troops put in some mighty long days. Besides the normal growing pains associated with a new helicopter, HMX also ran the TBO program for Vertol. This also added to the maintenance load. Maintenance control would get a telephone call, perhaps saying...We want the forward transmission out of Buno. so and so, like yesterday.

I didn't have very much to do with 46. I remained a Sikorsky guy, but did know John, he was a super Tech. Rep. and most of all a very nice person.


Ernie Needham

Posted : 2003-10-19 17:23
orlando ingvold
Posts: 85
Trusted Member

I was a Huey/OV-10 pilot. Was not too thrilled when in '69, at HMX, was told that I had to fly the 46's along with H-3's, and either Hueys or 53's. Wound up flying them all. H-46 was the easiest to fly, as long as all systems were go, but they still had a real bad reputation for unexplained failures. John worked hard to get the 46 more involved in the VIP roll. He designed a roll-in-out VIP package with plush seating, carpeting, and some communication improvements, if I remember right. The picture of the shiny 46 I believe is on the Wall Street Pier, NYC. That would have been a Nixon trip there early '70's. On that same mission I landed (VH-3) on the Statue of Liberty Island as back up for Marine One. Once in a lifetime thing!
I have a Phrog Phlyer's patch sewn into the right armpit of my flight jacket. Most everytime I had the opportunity I flashed it to him: John M., a good man. He took it all with pride. Hay, they(Phrog's) are still the backbone of our lift capability, even now!

Posted : 2003-10-20 04:13
Ernie Needham
Posts: 26
Eminent Member


Thanks for the information. Looks like you and I were at HMX at about the same time. I do recall the green side adding a few things to one of the H-46s. I think they build a bulkhead at the end of the cabin deck and the ramp for the baggage which was placed on the ramp. Also I seem to recall a red carpet. They got the nice paint job after I retired and departed in May 1970. thanks again

Ernie Needham

Posted : 2003-10-20 15:12
Don Reichert
Posts: 4
New Member


That Phrog photo sure brings back memories for me, too. Flew it many times but I was in a Ch-53 with Dick Thompson on that NY trip. We were assigned the press that day and picked them up on the Wall St. pier.

John M. was proud of that green & white H-46 and many hours of his time was spent making that bird a reality, especially convincing then Lt. Col. Dick Kuci, commanding officer, of its need in the mission. I believe it was used for most of the trips we took after that.

Semper Fi and an early Happy Birthday to you and to all who may read this.


Posted : 2003-11-06 13:57
orlando ingvold
Posts: 85
Trusted Member

Remember flying up the Hudson River on that mission and seeing the Trade Towers, just completed. How things have changed. Stay the course! Please, not another VN pullout! Get the job done this time! Do not quit!

Posted : 2003-11-07 02:43