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Book Marines and Helicopters

10 Posts
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A salesman that is trying to suck up to my company brought me a book to read for a few days. It is a red, yearbook-size hardback entitled

Marines and Helicopters 1962-1973 by Wm. R. Fails.

This is a great history of the aircraft, crew, pilots, squadrons, etc. Can it be bought anywhere?

I gotta get one. It has a shot on page 126 of our Ugly Angels final ceremony in 68 at Phu Bai.

The author gives a lot of great credit to Col. Clapp of 362.

Posted : 2003-08-06 21:35
Posts: 896
Prominent Member


Marines and Helicopters, 1962-1973 Author: William R. Fails
Format: Paperback, 253pp.
ISBN: 0788118188
Publisher: DIANE Publishing Company
Pub. Date: July 1995
From the Publisher:
Traces the development of helicopters in the Marine Corps from 1962 to 1973. Portrays accurately the difficulties faced & the obstacles conquered by the men who developed helicopters in the Marine Corps. Over 100 figures, maps, photos, & tables

Price= $45.00


George T. Curtis (RIP. 9/17/2005)

Posted : 2003-08-06 21:50
Posts: 320
Reputable Member

I bought mine from the GPO Bookstore in L.A. about 15 yrs ago. It was only $8.95 back then.:) Originally published in 1978 by History and Museums Division, Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps. It's a great reference.

Posted : 2003-08-07 00:22
Posts: 45
Eminent Member

I got my copy from e-bay two years ago for $12.00. Original History and Museums pub. dated 1978.

Hostage IGOR

Posted : 2003-08-07 10:02
Posts: 0
New Member

The book is available from both Amazon.Com and Barnes & Noble. Price in both cases is $45.00

Posted : 2003-08-07 11:10
Posts: 3133
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Another book

"Cleared Hot" by Hostage Uniform is out in paperback form and also a good read. Highlights a two tour Marine pilot that flew UH-34's UH-1's and OV-10's. Other stuff, too, but those are the main focus. I learned a lot about OV-10's since they arrived after I rotated. Wish we woulda had some back in '67-68.
Semper Fi

Posted : 2003-08-07 12:53
Posts: 115
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Got one on order

Thanks for all the answers. Found one and ordered it on a booksearch website. Used/Very Good condition hardback for $10.50.

Now I have to go to Reno and get Col. Clapp's autograph, along with that of Willie Sproule, Archie of the Handlebar Moustache, First Sgt. Kid Logue and Mr. T. Wilson.

Anybody know why the last CO of the Uglies, Jack Schlarp doesn't have anything to do with the reunions or Popasmoke in general? Are they living?

Posted : 2003-08-07 18:41
K.D. Logue
Posts: 20
Eminent Member


I have had that book for nearly twenty years. I look at it every once in a while. The go and tell Barnes and Wilson how much I know. I act like I always knew it.

LtCol Jack Schlarp passed away three or four years ago, and therefore has no contact with the Squadron. Last I heard Col Walt Shauer was residing in Hawaii.

Se ya in Tulsa, Semper Fi, K.D Logue

Posted : 2003-08-07 21:00
Posts: 128
Estimable Member

Out of print books "Marines and Helicopters"

I've had success with << www.abebooks.com >>. I logged onto their site and they have 29 copies listed, from soft cover at $9.00 to a fine museum copy at $40.00.

They do not inventory the books themselves but handle the sale for listed bookstores. But the transaction is transparent, they handle everything. Anything I have gotten from them has been in better condition than the description. I'm very happy with them.

No, I don't get a commission, I have no connection with them in any way but I believe if someone performs well, they should be recognised.


Posted : 2003-08-08 12:55
joe darcangelo
Posts: 13
Active Member

Marines and Helicopters

During the mid-80s I was in DC on company business and had time to kill so I went to the Marine Corps museum at the Navy yard. After looking around and not finding any displays or information re-Marines that flew or worked on piston engine helicopters I wrote the curator a letter asking why? Within 2 weeks I received an apology and 3 great books, Marines and Helicopter 1962-1973, U.S. Marines in Vietnam and Marines and Helicopters 1946-1962. These books are very informative and interesting, if anyone would like to see them let me know and I will bring them to Reno or?

Joe D

Posted : 2003-08-09 23:00