Brothers (& Sisters) Killed in Action in USMC Helicopters or while assigned to USMC Helicopter or Tiltrotor Squadrons
19680824-1HMM-265 Vietnam
Download PDFIncident Date 19680824-1 HMM-265 CH-46A 152502+ - Hostile Fire, Crash
Lammers, Donald Gary 1stLT Co-Pilot HMM-265 MAG-36 1968-08-24 (vvm 46W:005)
Himler, Robert John Capt Pilot HMM-265 MAG-36 1968-08-24 (vvm 46W:003)
Alberici, Michael LCpl Crew HMM-265 MAG-36 1968-08-24 (vvm 47W:059)
Lammers, Donald Gary 1stLT Co-Pilot HMM-265 MAG-36 1968-08-24 (vvm 46W:005)
Himler, Robert John Capt Pilot HMM-265 MAG-36 1968-08-24 (vvm 46W:003)
Alberici, Michael LCpl Crew HMM-265 MAG-36 1968-08-24 (vvm 47W:059)
LAMMERS DONALD GARY : 01005 : USMCR : 1stLT : O2 : 7562 (H-46) : 24 : FOREST CITY : IA : 19680824 : hostile, crash, land : Crew : body recovered : Quang Nam (Da Nang) :02 : 19440329 : Cauc : Protestant/married : 46W : 005
HIMLER ROBERT JOHN : 093940 : USMCR : CAPT : O3 : 7562 (H-46) :25 : WILLISTON : ND : 19680824 : hostile, crash, land : AircraftCommander : body recovered : Quang Nam (Da Nang) :02 : 19421021 : Cauc : Protestant/married : 46W : 003
ALBERICI MICHAEL : 2187264 : USMC : LCPL : E3 : 6221 : 21 : FLORAL PARK : NY : 19680824 : hostile, crash, land : Crew : body recovered : Quang Nam (Da Nang) : 02 : 19470303 : Cauc : Roman Catholic/single : 47W : 059
MAG-16 Command Chronology - Sept 1968
1stLt R F Himler 093940/7562 HMM-265 Pilot
1stLt D G Lammers 0100395/7562 HMM-265 Copilot
LCpl M Alberici 2187264/6221 HMM-265 Gunner
HOSTILE 24 August 1968. 13 miles south of Danang, Quang Nam, RVN. CH-46A aircraft received fire, crashed and burned attempting to lift out of zone on resupply mission. Pilot, Copilot and gunner were all killed.