Brothers (& Sisters) Killed in Action in USMC Helicopters or while assigned to USMC Helicopter or Tiltrotor Squadrons
20030320HMM-268 Operation IRAQI FREEDOM
Download PDFIncident Date 20030320 HMM-268 CH-46E - BuNo 152579+ / YQ-01 - - - preparation for combat operations - Kuwait
Waters-Bey, Kendall Damon SSgt Crew HMM-268 MAG-39/3rd MAW 2003-03-20
Kennedy, Brian Matthew Cpl. Crew HMM-268 MAG-39/3rd MAW 2003-03-20
Beaupre, Ryan Anthony Capt Pilot HMM-268 MAG-39/3rd MAW 2003-03-20
Aubin, Jay Maj Pilot HMM-268 MAWTS-1/3rd MAW 2003-03-20
Evans, Llywelyn Karl - Lance Bombardier - Passenger HMM-268 29 Commando Rgmt, Royal Arty 2003-03-20
Hehir, Lance - Sergeant - Passenger HMM-268 29 Commando Rgmt, Royal Arty 2003-03-20
Seymour, Ian - Oper. Mech. 2nd Class - Passenger HMM-268 148 Commando Bty, Royal Navy 2003-03-20
Cecil, John - Colour Sergeant - Passenger HMM-268 3 Commando Bde/Royal Marines 2003-03-20
Guy, Philip Stuart Capt Passenger HMM-268 3 Commando Bde/Royal Marines 2003-03-20
Hedenskog, Sholto - Marine - Passenger HMM-268 3 Commando Bde/Royal Marines 2003-03-20
Stratford, Mark - Warr Off 2nd Class - Passenger HMM-268 3 Commando Bde/Royal Marines 2003-03-20
Ward, Jason - Major - Passenger HMM-268 3 Commando Bde/Royal Marines 2003-03-20
Official USMC Source
Fallen Marines memorialized at Pendleton
Submitted by: MCB Camp Pendleton
Story Identification #: 2003325211546
Story by Cpl. Derrick A. Small
MARINE CORPS BASE CAMP PENDLETON, Calif. (March 25, 2003) -- A grieving base took time Tuesday at Marine Memorial Chapel to memorialize four of its U.S. Marines - this first to die in Operation Iraqi Freedom.
"We mourn the loss of our fallen brethren. Our hearts go out to the family members and friends of these Marines - please know you are in our thoughts and prayers," said Maj. Gen. William G. Bowdon, commanding general of Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton.
The four were killed in a CH-46E Sea Knight helicopter crash on March 20, south of the Iraqi border in Kuwait. The dead Marines are Maj. Jay T. Aubin, 36, a pilot; Capt. Ryan A. Beaupre, 30, a pilot; Staff Sgt. Kendall D. Waters-Bey, 29, a crew chief; and Cpl. Brian M. Kennedy, 25, a mechanic.
Beaupre, Kennedy and Waters-Bey were assigned to Marine Medium Helicopter Squadron 268, 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing, based here. Aubin was assigned to Marine Aviation Weapons and Tactics Squadron 1, part of the 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing at Marine Corps Air Station, Yuma, Ariz.
The cause of the crash is under investigation.
The chapel's pews were full of mourners; some stood against the walls. Many said they were grateful to have shared moments with these Marines. Among them - Capt. Dale S. Rolen, who knew all of the HMM-268 Marines.
"I had an opportunity to fly with Capt. Beaupre, and he was one of those people that just cared," said Rolen, director of safety for the air station here.
"He cared about all the Marines. He was there to do his job and he did it well. ... He was a great guy to be around."
Rolen, a former HMM-268 pilot, said it was a privilege to know and serve with the squadron's Marines.
"I knew Staff Sgt. Waters-Bey and Cpl. Kennedy also," Rolen said, calling them "the most professional Marines you could ask for."
"I am honored ... to have known them."
Kennedy's father, who traveled from Houston to attend the ceremony, admired his son's personality and drive to be the best Marine he could be.
"Brian was a wonderful young man," said Mark D. Kennedy. "He had a fierce desire to join the Marine Corps when he was in college. He threw himself at it 100 percent."
Belinda K. Waters-Bey, Kendall Waters-Bey's wife, said she's consoled to know her husband died doing what he loved.
"When I met Kendall, one of the things that stuck in my mind was when he told me that he loved to fly," said Waters-Bey. "Even though I didn't want him to fly, I couldn't ask him not to. So I know he was doing what he wanted to do."
Official USMC Source
Deployed Marines Remember Fallen Comrades
Submitted by: 3d Marine Aircraft Wing
Story Identification #: 200332751139
Story by Sgt. T. L. Carter-Valrie
KUWAIT (March 23, 2003) -- Marine Aircraft Group 39 Marines gathered together Mar. 23 for a memorial service in honor of their fellow comrades who gave the ultimate sacrifice in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom.
Capt. Jay T. Aubin, Marine Aviation Weapons and Tactics Squadron 1, Capt. Ryan A. Beaupre, Staff Sgt. Kendall D. Waters-bey and Cpl. Brian M. Kennedy , Marine Medium Helicopter Squadron 268, and eight British Royal Marines were killed when their helicopter crashed in northern Kuwait Mar. 21.
There was standing room only in a nearby maintenance hangar, Marines, Sailors, Airmen and Soldiers gathered to pay their respect to the brave service members who gallantly led one of the initial missions of Operation Iraqi Freedom.
"The purpose of this memorial is to create a memory through reflection and remembrance of these brave men," remarked Cmdr. Jim Ellis, MAG-39 group chaplain, as he opened the service. "Marines and Sailors ... this service is also for you. It is your time to create a memory that the Marine Corps will not forget the valiant actions of these men."
Maj. Darrell P. Platz, Capt. Matthew T. Belisle, Cpl. George R. Cooper and Sgt. Jacek Teller delivered touching eulogies which reflected the lives of the brave men who were not just Marines, but also husbands, fathers, sons and brothers.
Maj. Gen. James F. Amos, 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing commanding general, recapped the fateful mission and reassured Marines of its importance to the success of Operation Iraqi Freedom and the significance of those who were on that flight.
"It was challenging and it was tough ... that's why the aircrew of this squadron were picked to lead the assault," said Maj. Gen. Amos as he directly addressed the Marines of HMM-268. "Your great squadron was out in front for a reason ... you were the best that we had."
Following Maj. Gen. Amos' address, Lt. Col. Jerry Driscoll, HMM-268 commanding officer, who led his Marines from the forward aircraft on the tragic mission, shared his remembrance of the Marines.
"I remember these men as heroes because they made a simple decision to serve ... to become Marines ... to do good for others and in so doing are examples of leadership for us all," he said. "Our brothers demonstrated there is no greater love than one who would lay down his life for another."
Driscoll also paid his respects to the eight British Royal Marines who were on the flight, "We are indebted to Her Majesty's government for giving us the opportunity to serve with 42 Commando ... shoulder to shoulder ... they are true friends."
Buglers from the 3rd MAW Band delivered heart-warming honors and Navy Lt. Samuel Osuji, MAG-39 flight line chaplain, closed the memorial service with a final prayer for the families and friends of the brave men who sacrificed their lives for their country.
The Marines of HMH-268 were providing lift support and troop insertion to British Royal Marines at the time of the accident.
Personal Narrative
I was the AAMO for HMM-268 at the time. I can vividly recall getting the news in our hooch from one of our Marines. I had also just begun aircrew training to be a gunner observer but was only qualified for daylight missions so I did not get to fly much until the war was well under way. With that in mind I volunteered to go with the AMO to the crash site since our Emergency Rec Officer was already flying missions. I will never forget the sight and the smell. We lost a great bunch of Marines that night as did the Brits. I am grateful to be able to see photos of the British troops as well as I never got to know them in life. I have often prayed Christ's blessings on them and their families. Thanks for posting all the above info. These guys deserve to be remembered. They were slated for that first mission because they were the best we had. God bless them.
Submitted by: James E. Rollins III, AAMO for HMM-268 at the time of incident, 20090531Personal Narrative
Marine Cpl. Brian Matthew Kennedy was a Marine through and through, thrilled to be helping liberate Iraq.
“Our son and brother proudly volunteered to serve in the U.S. Marine Corps,” said his father, Mark D. Kennedy. “He gave his life in an effort to contribute to the freedom of the Iraqi people.”
Kennedy died March 21 in a helicopter crash in Kuwait, near the Iraq border.
He graduated from high school in 1995 in Glenview, Ill., then attended Purdue University before transferring to Texas Tech University in 1998. He enlisted in 1999.
Capt Ryan Beaupre, HMM-268
Submitted by: Alan H Barbour, Historian, USMC Combat Helicopter Association, 20050203Maj Jay Aubin, MAWTS-1
Submitted by: Alan H Barbour, Historian, USMC Combat Helicopter Association, 20050203SSgt Kendall Damon Waters-Bey, HMM-268
Submitted by: POPASMOKE Admin, 20050203Capt Ryan Anthony Beaupre, HMM-268
Submitted by: POPASMOKE Admin, 20050205Cpl Brian Matthew Kennedy, HMM-268
Submitted by: Alan H Barbour, Historian, USMC Combat Helicopter Association, 20050203Colour Sgt John Cecil, Royal Marines
Lance Bombardier Llywelyn Karl Evans, Royal Artillery
Captain Philip Stuart Guy, Royal Marines
Marine Sholto Hedenskog, Royal Marines
Sergeant Lance Hehir, Royal Artillery
Major Jason Ward, Royal Marines