KIA INCIDENT: 19681202 VMO-6 Vietnam

Brothers (& Sisters) Killed in Action in USMC Helicopters or while assigned to USMC Helicopter or Tiltrotor Squadrons

19681202VMO-6 Vietnam

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Incident Date 19681202 VMO-6 O1-C 156685 - Hostile Fire, Crash

Reese, James Robert 1stLT Pilot VMO-6 PROVMAG-39 1968-12-02 (vvm 37W:024)
Latimer Jr., Richard Eli 1stLT AO VMO-6 PROVMAG-39 1968-12-02 (vvm 37W:023)

REESE JAMES ROBERT : 095747 : USMCR : 1stLT : O2 : 7501 : 26 : GRIFFIN : GA : 19681202 : Hostile Crashed Land : Pilot : body recovered : Quang Tri :04 : 19420319 : Cauc : Protestant/single : 37W : 024
LATIMER RICHARD ELI JR : 0102074 : USMCR : 1stLT : O2 : 0302 : 24 : TINKER AFB : OK : 19681202 : Hostile Crashed Land : Crew – Air Observer (Infantry) : body recovered : Quang Tri : 02 : 19440103 : Cauc : Protestant/single : 37W : 023

Personal Narrative

Jim Reese was shot down in a Birddog. I went through flight training with Jim and was a Birddog pilot in VMO-6 with him.

Submitted by: Robert J Moriarty, VMO-6, squadron O-1 pilot, 20030821

Personal Narrative

I joined the 3rd recon s2 in july of 68 and had the privilege of serving under Lt. Latimer, during the period from 7/68 to 11/68 we worked together to brief and debrief recon teams. Prior to his leaving the Bn. he recommended my meritorious promotion to Cpl. E-4, which happened 1-69, Unfortunately he did not live to see me promoted. Rick Latimer was a Marine's Marine Officer. I was excited at seeing his name listed, as although he has always been in my thoughts, seeing his name after so many years was a shock. Semper Fi, Rick.

Submitted by: Lawrence F. Mullane, Intell Asst to Lt Latimer, 20030821

Personal Narrative

Per Hobson's "Vietnam Air Losses" Lieutenants Reese and Latimer were lost in O-1G BuNo 156685.

Submitted by: Ken Davis, staff, 20030914

Comment on Incident

Lt. Rick Latimer was the 3rd Recon Bn. S-2 when I met him in July of 1968. He was a fine officer and role model; he voluntarily left the safety of the S-2 office for the dangerous life of an AO, where he felt he could do more good for the troops in the field. He will always be one of my heroes.

Submitted by: N/A, 20030821

Personal Narrative

I was a friend of Lt. Reese's. As it turns out, he and I went through recruit training between Feb. of 63 until Apr. of 63. I saw him again when I passed through Griffin, Ga. in early 1965 on my way to my next duty station at El Toro, I lost track of him and only found out some years later that he had been killed in action in Viet Nam; he must have become a pilot and went to Viet Nam in 1968. I was stationed in Danang with various VMFA squadrons from March of 65 until Nov. of 66, I am so sorry to have learned that he was killed, but am proud to have been in the Marines with him and that he was in such a magnificent squadron as was VMO-6.

Submitted by: Robert N. Clark, a friend of Lt. Reese, 20060524

Richard was my second cousin through my Moms family. In researching my family roots, I found a photo of RIchard that I thought others might like to see: 1964 Photo from his Junior year at Baylor University, Abilene, Texas.

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Submitted by: Thurman E. Dalrymple, Richard was my second cousin., 20190310

Personal Narrative

I went to OCS and Basic School with Richard Latimer. We went to Recon Replacement School together after TBS, and we flew to RVN together. Four of us flew over in Nov 67. Two of us came home. Rich was one fine Marine. I think of him often. I ran into him in RVN around June 68 at the Naval Hospital in DaNang. That was the last time we talked.

Submitted by: George L. Olsen, OCS and Basic School 5-67, 20080219